Trillions in investments used responsibly and sustainably have the power to address the most important challenges we face today. Where finance goes today, the world goes tomorrow.
Our network of over 100 CSOs works to strengthen the commitment of all financial institutions to act on and adhere to Social, Environmental, and Human Rights standards. Read updates on our work here.
FFI uses a rigorous and unique methodology for policy assessments to benchmark the investment policies of financial institutions in critical areas such as human rights and climate impact.
Together with FFI case studies, the policy assessments enable fact-based dialogue with financial institutions (FIs) and companies. In this way, FFI promotes a race to the top, resulting in more sustainable lending and investments, while also enabling consumers, policy holders and citizens to demand more socially responsible, fair, and sustainable investments.
Fair Finance Bangladesh includes Oxfam in Bangladesh, Democratic Budget Movement (DBM), Participatory Research & Action Network (PRAAN)
The Belgian Fair Finance Guide is an initiative of FairFin, 11.11.11., CNCD, and Vrede.
Finanzas Justas y Responsables Bolivia is made up of Oxfam in Bolivia, the Centre of Studies for Labour and Agrarian Development (CEDLA) and the Bolivian Forum on Environment and Development (FOBOMADE)
Guia dos Bancos Responsáveis is led by the Idec and supported by Instituto Sou da Paz, Conectas, Oxfam Brasil and World Animal Protection Brazil.
Finanzas Justas Colombia brings together Oxfam Colombia, Cinep and Censat Agua Viva.
Fair Finance Guide Germany is led by Facing Finance and supported by Verbraucherzentrale Bremen, and Südwind.
The Dutch Fair Finance Guide coalition includes Oxfam Novib, Amnesty International Netherlands, and Friends of the Earth Netherlands, World Animal Protection and PAX.
Fair Finance Laos includes Oxfam in Laos, Laos Banker's Association, National University of Laos, The Bank of Laos
The Nigerian Fair Finance coalition includes Oxfam in Nigeria, Connected Development Initiative (CODE), BudgIT, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), Policy Alert, Support for Training and Entrepreneurial Program (STEP)
The Norwegian Fair Finance Guide is a partnership of the Norwegian Consumer Council and Future in our hands/Framtiden i våre hender.
Fair Finance Pakistan (FFP) includes Indus Consortium, and a further 18 organisations.
Fair Finance Uganda includes Oxfam in Uganda, Resource Rights Africa, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Uganda, Seatini, Civic Response on Environment and Development (CRED), Education Advocacy Network, Centre for Budget and Tax Policy (CBTP), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Institute for Social Transformation (IST), Agency For Community Empowerment (AFCE), Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF), Advocate Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE)
Fair Finance Vietnam members include: HaUI (Hanoi University of Industry) and Oxfam.
A regional network of civil society organizations
Fair Finance International collaborates and partners with Fair Finance Asia, a regional network of over 90 Asian civil society organizations committed to ensuring that financial institutions’ funding decisions in the region respect the social and environmental well-being of local communities.